We are involved in a cause who represents something great for our planet.

We are focused in actions for reforestation, biodiversity and climate change in order the preserve our nature and save our planet. Many Non profits working hard including Big organizations in order to make our planet more beautiful. Considering that is the responsability of all; We decided to creatring some programs completely axed on sensibilzation against youths and children with the objective to better invold them in the love of nature and our planet.
Replanting trees must be an action to insert in educational school programs with manual actions. We think that will help youths to better take in consideration the value of the hard work that makes many of us.
1Tree 1Life, Follow us Now!
Nature and Biodiversity
Biodiversity loss refers to the decline or disappearance of biological diversity, understood as the variety of living things that inhabit the planet, its different levels of biological organisation and their respective genetic variability, as well as the natural patterns present in ecosystems. We need to take action.
Reforestation Action - Planting Tree to Save our Planet.
Recovering destroyed forested areas by planting new trees and sowing seeds from tree species. Reforestation is crucial for our very survival: our forests are carbon sinks and essential for stopping climate change